Five Things Not To Do When Your Parents Go On A Vacation

Hey, guys, it’s Allie writing to you because my parents went on a vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada for 5 days! So, as you figured my brother and I had to stay at our Grandma’s house. Our parents warned us to not give them a hard time, and we did … for the first few hours. So I thought “Maybe I can tell all my followers what not to do so they can be prepared”.


Tip 5: Don’t Do The Opposite of What Your Guardian Tells You

Image result for adult saying fold your clothes to child and child ignoring them

Tip 4: Don’t Be on Devices 24/7 (Spend time with family instead)

Image result for child texting

Tip 3: Don’t Get Hyped Up On Sugar

Image result for child with sugar rush

Tip 2: Don’t Stay Up Late ( Rest is Important; trust me)

Image result for child staying up too late

Tip 1: Don’t Bicker or Fight With Siblings or Adults To Cause Drama

Image result for child fighting with parent gif

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