First Blog Post

This is my blog where I post 2 Days a week to keep you updated on the latest fashions and DIYs. Speaking of has anyone ever tried lip scrub? Neither had I until I was experimenting with my brother and we put a bunch of edible ingredients together trying to make bath scrub. Instead, we made something that made our lips softer and we googled lip scrub AND IT WAS A THING! Here’s The Recipe For Lush Honey Lip Scrub:

1tablespoon of salt

1tablespoon of sugar (brown)

1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

1Teaspoon of honey (pure)

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

whisk together unit salt and sugar are partly deconstructed; Then apply in a circular motion on lips; let sit for 15-20 mins then rinse off for smooth lips!

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